Laurie Hoover has loved words since her preschool days. Her mom remembers Laurie describing her pet kitten’s antics by exclaiming, “And he just fluffed away!” Though not exactly the prescribed usage for “fluff,” this creative expression was an early indication of Laurie’s future.
Throughout her education, Laurie continued to explore the English language. She discovered she loved grammar and excelled at writing. In 2006, she earned a BA in English with a minor in journalism from Pensacola Christian College.
Laurie’s writing skills, oddly enough, connected her to Gehman Accounting. Looking for a new career after teaching junior high and high school, she was excited to hear about a small company looking for “someone with an English degree.”
In 2011, Laurie traveled from Goshen, IN, to New Holland, PA, to begin working as a secretary and writer/editor for Gehman Accounting. The company at that time had few sales materials and no website. Through the years, she has helped develop the company’s professional communication, sometimes creating from the blank page and other times refining and improving content. She also found a sweet spot in the nitty gritty work of a secretary, eventually acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to lead the department.
Laurie currently leads the secretarial team, writing and editing for the company as needed. She desires excellence and accuracy in all things.
Laurie shares plenty of witticisms at work or home with others, always hoping to inspire laughter. A favorite word is 'gobbledygook'—for its sound and meaning. She loves to ride her bike on flat trails or hilly Pennsylvania roads. Surviving lymphoma and nine months on crutches in 2015-2016 has made Laurie exceptionally grateful for simple but divine gifts like walking on her own two feet, a “normal” schedule, working and giving to others, and relationships with family and friends. Laurie lives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.